Recently, I made a Business Plan or sort of. These are what
it produced. So, calling out those ‘’business minded’’ persons and students,
maybe this work of mine might help. Otherwise, another feat of mine.
and Background of the Problem
The Polytechnic University of the
Philippines (PUP) located in Sta. Mesa, Metro Manila houses one, if not, one of
the largest student population amongst the various universities administered
and operated by the Philippine government nationwide. According to one of its faculty members,
Atty. Jay Joseph C. Jamandre of the College
of Arts and Sciences, PUP
boasts of an enormous approximate Fifty Thousand in terms of student
population. One can just imagine the
volume of people coming in and out of the PUP campus every single day. That is why no wonder, traffic jams are
always present and always a part of a PUP student once he/she reaches the
school vicinity. To traffic assigned enforcers
nearby, it’s a daily headache but for businessmen or an entrepreneur, heaven.
The aim of this Business Plan is to
answer one of the never-ending needs of students – FOOD. Apart from the school supplies, Food is the
next best thing that this student necessitates.
Obviously, as one would try to walk down Teresa Street near the PUP campus, there
is no single stall that offers food and the variety it presents from its
availability to the costs…it’s endless.
The main reason why these stalls do well is the variety and the costs. More importantly, almost a considerable
number of students eat in these stalls everyday. Why is it that irregardless of the food
ingredient, taste and preference of the food being served and the health risks
coupled, do the students prefer to eat on these stalls located outside the
The next sections and sub-sections of
this Business Plan will try to formulate an answer to the queries
above-stated. There can be no further
direct answer but the prices of the food, nothing else. Where in the entire PUP campus can one find a
hamburger at only Ten Pesos (PhP10.00), but only at Teresa Street ? What becomes more interesting is that this
particular ten-peso burger also comes along with a serving of coleslaw! With the kind of standard of living that
these students have, a ten to twenty peso savings in their respective “baons”, is obviously a great deal for
them. Some of the secondary reasons
follow why the students prefer to eat outside is because of the ambiance it
gives. Students have much freedom of
expressing themselves outside the campus.
Their freedom and the variety of choices of food are much larger in
quantity than those inside the campus.
Another reason is that the students enjoy it much eating outside because
they can do it while chatting on the internet or playing their favorite RPG games.
And now comes SNACK ATTACK…it maybe
somehow does answer the problems posted thru the questions above-stated but it
will somehow offer a competitive alternative for a sound food choice for PUP
students especially those who has a daily 30 Pesos food budget. A sumptuous, delicious, hot, clean, healthy
and fast satisfactory-approved meal awaits everyone who “attacks” and pay Snack
Attack a visit and avail of its products and services. But Snack Attack will not rest on the usual
snack alternative alone as it will try to invade PUP various school activities,
school organization’s activities thru sponsorships, launching of new product
lines, offer endless gimmicks and marketing strategies that contains what the
PUP student deserve in these trying times – discounts, discounts and more
Further expansion plans of Snack
Attack foresee it to be a true one-stop-shop for all the students to enjoy visiting
and having around. It will try to offer
more variations in food by the introduction of new meals in its product
line. A cellular phone loading station
for all networks, a photocopying machine and school supplies section to answer
the students’ daily needs and requirements.
Moreso, the change in the corporate structure of the company will be on
the agenda as Snack Attack further plans on setting up an additional branch to
a PUP Annex building nearby in order to augment the needs of other PUP
The company that will own and manage
the food stall will not anymore be a sole proprietor but instead, the same will
be owned and managed by a food corporation.
This food corporation will be named as PFG FOODS, INC. (“PFG”, for
berevity). PFG will comprise five (5)
stockholders (of Filipino Nationality, or in case of foreign partner/s as
stockholder/s, should only hold a total percentage of 20% of ownership), who
will also serve as the officers of the corporation.
PFG’s corporate set-up will be that in
conformity with the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). PFG’s authorized
capital stock to reflect in its proposed Articles of Incorporation and By-laws
will be equivalent to Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (PhP500,000.00). The authorized capital stock of PFG will be
divided into Ten Thousand Shares (10,000) at One Peso (PhP1.00) per share. Fifty Thousand (50,000) shares shall be
subscribed. Twenty-five percent (25%) of
said authorized capital stock shall be subscribed, which will be equivalent to
One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Pesos (PhP125,000.00). The amount to be paid-up and should be
reflected in PFG’s bank statement should at least be, according to SEC rules,
also twenty-five percent (25%) of the subscribed amount. In this case, PFG opts to pay the 25% percent
of the same, which is equivalent to Thirty-one Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Pesos
Aside from the proposed corporate
set-up and shareholdings, the primary purpose of said Food Corporation shall
establish and maintain, operate, restaurants, coffee shops, refreshment
parlors, cocktail lounge; to cook, arrange, serve and cater goods, drinks,
refreshments and other food or commodities commonly served in such
establishments, and to offer such other services to the public in connection
with the operation of restaurant and catering enterprises.”
An equal number of shares shall be
distributed among the stockholders of the corporation. As such, the following will be the corporate
set-up of PFG Foods, Inc.:
No. of Shares
Amount Subscribed (PhP)
Amount Paid-Up
Stockholder #1
Stockholder #2
Stockholder #3
Stockholder #4
Stockholder #5
PFG Foods, Inc. will also be
registered with the Department of Trade and Industry as it will be using other
business names upon the commencement of its operations. PFG will, likewise be registered with the
proper and concerned government and non-government agencies to ensure a smooth
and a legitimate business operations.
PFG will eventually be registered with the local government where the
principal office of the same is located.
The necessary permits in order to operate such as business permits,
building, sanitary, electrical permits and such the like will be procured.
For tax purposes, PFG will also be
registered with the Bureau of Internal Revenues and since the same will employ
a handful of employees that will man the daily operations of the stall from the
moment it starts operating, until the last sale of the day, PFG should and must
be registered with agencies that promotes the welfare of common laborers or
employees, with the Social Security System, Philhealth or the Pag-Ibig (Home
Development Mutual Fund).
As its future plans, PFG Foods, Inc.
with its future operating plans and projected increase in income and return of
Investments within the next two (2) years, plans of continuing the business
thru its expansion programs. Thus,
having to necessarily register the same with the Intellectual property Office
(IPO) for trademark purposes and with probably the infusion of new, innovative
and unique own products in its line, with the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD).
For its initial operation, Snack
Attack will be owned and operated on a sole proprietorship basis. The President and Proprietor of PFG Foods,
Inc. will be _____________. Its initial
capital will be in the amount of _____________.
The same amount will be reflected in PFG’s registration with the
Department of Trade and Industry. It
will also procure the necessary government and non-government permits in order
to operate as a small business to the locality where it is to be located. Agreements and other documents (e.g.,
Contract of Lease) will also be executed between PFG and the administration of
PUP in order to legitimize the operation and the setting up of a food stall
inside the PUP campus.
With its present set-up, PFG Foods,
Inc. will maintain a small space for office and warehouse purposes. The same shall be located at Manila and will house PFG’s offices for its
operations and a warehouse and commissary where stocks will be placed for storage.
PFG will concentrate, as stated thru
its primary purpose, and will mainly dwell into having to sell food or snack
items to students. Basic machineries,
utensils and all the required possible things and manpower that has to do with
cooking and serving food for the students.
Through its initial stage of
operation, PFG shall adopt the business name: “SNACK ATTACK”. Snack Attack
will cater to students in a unique and delicious way of eating the usual
student’s snacks with less the costs.
Its product line includes the basic, usual elementary processed and
cooked foods and snacks as well as refreshing drinks. Its product line includes Hamburgers,
Cheeseburgers, Hotdogs on Bun, “Footlongs”
on Bun, flavored and unflavored French Fries, Siopaos, Cheese Sticks, fish and
squid balls served on sticks as well as Kikiam
and siomai of various flavors.
Snack Attack will also refresh and
cool down the student’s thirst by serving not the costly bottled soft drinks
but instead serving them by cups of different sizes. A variety of fruit juices will also be
available. For the early birds, a
serving of coffee or hot chocolate will also be available.
For those who are have big appetites,
a hot and delicious, easy-to-make instant “pancit
canton” of various flavors with an accompanying bread bun or a steaming cup
of rice coupled with a cold drink will also be available for serving upon
Such products and utensils that will
be used and to be consummated shall be purchased from Nepa Q-Mart, Quiapo,
Metro Manila. It is where everything
needed, can be bought at a very low but qualitative price.
Although Snack Attack’s product line
may sound too usual, its competitive advantage and plus factors will all rely
on its price, unique presentation and flavor.
It will also be an advantage to employ uniform-donned staff together
with a very clean, neat and attractive stall.
Entire sales for Snack Attack will
come entirely from its products. These
products will cater to students who have a snack or food budget from 20 to 30
pesos. Snack Attack’s appeal will come
from food stalls to be located inside the school canteen’s premises. The stall will do a colorful and attractive
mood. The staff that will man the stall
will be composed of two uniformed (clean t-shirt with hairnets and cellophane
gloves for sanitation purposes), clean, neat, courteous and friendly
employees. They will take turns in
cooking, serving, taking and receiving of orders.
Since it is a food stall for catering
food snacks to students, its technology will be based on cooking alone. The main purpose, and maybe the marketing
strategy or secret of snack attack will be the manner of serving its products
to the student-buyer: Serving the snack in an “attack” way, which is hot and
Future product line that Snack Attack
plans to venture into is serving more snack variations such as short orders
(spaghetti, lasagnas, mami and other noodle or pasta entrees), packed meals and
even a cellular phone loading station for all networks. Snack Attack also has a plan to expand thru
the putting up of a mini-photocopying station and school supplies section for
the student’s continuing needs and requirements. All in all, one of Snack Attack’s future
plans is to build and be known as a one-stop-shop for the entire PUP studentry.
Snack Attack’s market will solely be
on the PUP students alone since the stall will be placed inside the school
canteen’s premises. The attractive stall
will be strategically located and placed amongst other food and snack stalls
that cater the same products in order to stiffen the competition. Students with a food and/or snack budget of
thirty pesos (PhP30.00) and up will most likely to benefit the unique and
delicious goods and services that Snack Attack offers. It will also try to cater to other school
personnel and visitors and will oftentimes coordinate with the school
administrators to sponsor or act as snack caterer to some of the school’s major
and minor annual activities.
Inasmuch as Snack Attack wants to
uniquely dominate or monopolize such food stall service, it maybe quite
impossible to realize the same considering the other stalls located at the
canteen also serve the same product line.
What is important or the key movement, activity or strategy that would
initially boost and make that Snack Attack stall competitive enough would be
the variety of food it offers, the establishment of a “recall value” thru the
courteous and friendly staff, the cleanliness and the way food is served and
most of all, the student’s enjoyment and satisfaction of the same food being
served hot and fast with less the price compared to others.
5.1 Stall
and Staff
It is accepted and given that by the
mere location of Snack Attack’s food stall amongst the numerous food stalls
inside the canteen area of PUP spells a stiff competition. If this is so, PFG plans of showing a “wow”
effect o the appearance of Snack Attack’s food stall once it commences its
operations. Said surprise marketing
strategy will surely woo the minds of the students. A much colorful than the usual and an
appealing food stall appearance, that is vivid, with clear light fixtures,
should be installed in the food stall for its clean and neat appearance.
The staff that will receive, get and
serve the order from the students should be in uniforms. The uniforms need not be over-decorated. Plain red shirt as uniform will do as the
color red is attractive and strikes attention easily. For cleanliness and sanitation purposes, the
staff shall be compelled to use hairnets, aprons and cellophane gloves when cooking. The taking of orders as well as the manner of
serving them should and must be done on a friendly and courteous manner. The staff will likewise take turns in doing
such tasks and the necessary activities that needs to be done to assure a safe,
clean and neat food stall. The upkeep of
the spaces surrounding the stall, tables and chairs where students eat their
food and snacks must also be well maintained and kept clean and neat by the
staff. The staff should be prepared in
advance before the start of every operation as early as half past seven in the
morning as the stall will offer snack breakfast for students who usually comes
to school early and to those students of non-students that skips breakfast just
to be able to reach PUP at an early time.
The staff also will have to be sure that the stall is already closed at
around five in the afternoon with all the sales already counted and properly
accounted and logged. The staff may have
to opt for an extended time in closing depending on the availability of stocks
and the demand of the students.
5.2 Sales
Snack Attack’s target markets are PUP
students who have a daily Thirty Pesos (PhP30.00) budget for food and/or
snacks. Snack Attack will focus on
formulating various meal combinations that will surely fit in the given food
budget of the students. The following
budget meal will be presented and made available:
Attack No. 1
1 Hamburger + 1 Large Drink + 1 French Fries
Attack No. 2
Cheeseburger + 1 Regular Drink + 1 French Fries
Attack No. 3
Hotdog on bun + Regular Drink + 1 Cheese Sticks
Attack No. 4
Footlong on Bun + 1 Regular Drink + 1 French Fries
Attack No. 5
Balls (4pcs) + Siomai (3pcs) + 1 Large Drink
Attack No. 6
Siopao + Siomai (3 pcs) + Large Drink
Attack No. 7
Attack No. 8
Apart from the usual appearance and
variations of the snacks presented above, the students can or may opt for mixed
variations of the above products as long as their Thirty-Peso food budget
fits. E.g.: 1 Cheeseburger + set of siomai + 1 large
Snack Attack will present mixed
possibilities and endless variations to the PUP students to ensure and enable
or give them a sense of customer satisfaction by letting them choose a mixed
meal in so small a budget. Psychologically,
it promotes a continuous active participation between the students and Snack
Attack. It further gets them involved in
real life and somehow shows them on how go about stretching a small amount ion
order for them to survive without the need of ever having to sacrifice their
need to sustain their student lives through proper eating. It also somewhat gives them freedom to choose
and to stand for their own choice and decision.
Another way to boost sales is by
establishing a “recall” value. It is
very significant for Snack Attack to try to establish this thru its first two
days or the first two weeks of operations.
With the already established stalls within PUP who also has already established
markets, it would be necessary for Snack Attack to give out small discounts or
freebies during the above-given time frame.
A best example would be a free regular sized soft drink for every meal
bought or a free French fries, cheese sticks, squid balls or siomai. These small freebies to a complete meal will
surely attract attention from the students as well as to those school personnel,
members of the faculties and visitors alike.
As we Filipinos are known to love these kinds of small treats, this
strategy will surely make a mark or somehow establish a “recall” value on Snack
Attack. For everytime that they think of
food that is free and delicious without spending much, it is Snack Attack that
comes into their minds.
Snack Attack’s participation with some
of the school of school’s various organizations’ activities will also attract
sales. Thru proper and formal
coordination with school administration personnel, key persons to school
organizations, Snack Attack can propose to cater to students or once in a
while, sponsor a specific school activity.
As these activities may trigger bulk sales, it is also necessary to give
large discounts and freebies for the satisfaction of the activity
organizers. Thru the above, thru
constant communication with the organizers all year long and thru Snack
Attack’s fast and delicious way of serving food, will advantageously increase
sales and furthermore establish a strong and growing market.
Earning points is another way to
increase sales. This new marketing
strategy is considered one of the most effective and widely used strategies by
marketing experts nowadays. Snack Attack
will issue small cards with ten columns or boxes to represent the ten
corresponding visits or purchase that each cardholder makes with each purchase. The card will be stamped and be signed by
Snack Attack’s representative on the box as a cardholder purchase a certain
meal. A free Snack Attack meal of the
cardholder’s choice (depending upon the availability of stocks) awaits anyone
who completes all the boxes with the corresponding stamps and signatures. Only a single point or stamp can be awarded
to a cardholder each day. Said strategy
of earned points will be done once every twice a month so the students has
something to look forward to.
It is also vital that Snack Attack is
well informed of PUP’s annual activities.
Thru this, Snack Attack can offer discounted prices on some of its
products to the qualified students. For
example, a 3-peso off discount for every meal bought by a graduating student as
part of Snack Attack’s graduation promo or a free regular drink to freshmen as
part of the back-to-school promo.
5.3. Strategy Analysis
The importance of Snack Attack’s
active participation both among the student and between PUP is the very core of
having and maintaining a good rapport and marketing relationship considering
the limited market Snack Attack has. The
main ingredient here is the recall value which means that whenever a student
necessitates or craves for a good and less costly snack amidst the busy school
schedule, the thing that comes to his/her mind is Snack Attack. A very classical example of the recall value
is Jollibee. Whenever a child is hungry
or craves for food before or after a trip to the mall, or whenever you want to
put a smile in the face of a child, the first thing that comes into mind is
Jollibee. That is because it has already
had established a lasting recall value amongst the children and adult alike
through their endless marketing strategies ranging from advertisements,
discounts, freebies, mascots, humanitarian programs, variety of products the
quality and costs of their product line, their active participation in
socio-economic awareness programs that involves most especially, children and
many others. That although these may
sometimes hurt or entail financial risks at the start, positive and
considerable results on the sales and income aspect will be remarkable in the
end. A very excellent and valid
unquestionable reason as to where and how far Jollibee has gone in influencing
and inculcating the recall value of every Filipino.
As PFG is owned and operated by a sole
proprietor, it will be inevitable to hire or tap a team that will focus on
Snack Attack’s daily operations. As
such, the following personnel should be present in its structure:
Kitchen/Commissary Personnel
Food Stall Staff
It is very important for the
owner-proprietor that a relevant job experience should be a requirement in
these enumerated personnel. This is in
order to do away from the basic and elementary training which is very costly
and eats a considerable amount of time and effort. A weekly meeting is proposed among every
member of the structure to ensure a smooth flow of operations and to properly
address key issues that requires attention, consideration and adjustments.
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