November 14, 2013

Eating disorders

How men and women differ in terms of eating disorders

Generally speaking, eating disorders in men look a lot like eating disorders in women. The symptom pictures are quite similar; for example, fear of fat, distorted body image, a narrowing of life focus to body/weight goals, and so on are present in both genders. So are the underlying psychological dynamics fueling the disorder — for example, worth that is based on weight and shape, perfectionism, obsessive-compulsive features, and so forth.

Men and women part ways when it comes to the body changes they’re aiming at and what these changes mean to them. Whereas women focus on becoming thin, men focus on becoming buff. The perfect male body has zero fat and its V-shaped, bigger-is-better muscular distribution is marked by huge biceps and “six-pack” abs. Women fear fat because it makes them unattractive. Men fear fat because it makes them appear flabby and weak.

Half of men who are dissatisfied with their bodies want to lose weight while the other half want to gain. What these two camps have in common is that, for the most part, both are aiming at the bulked-up cultural ideal. Steroid use to help achieve this muscular perfection is an essentially male addition to the scary things people can do when driven by eating-disordered thinking.

Other differences exist in the ways that men and women experience each of the three major eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, and BED. These differences (by disorder) include

Anorexia: In men, starvation lowers levels of testosterone. This appears to have the immediate effect of killing libido. In some men, it may have lasting effects on their fertility even when their weight is restored.

Bulimia: Men are less likely to purge and more likely to rely on compensatory behavior, like cutting calories or compulsive exercising.

BED: Men who binge are generally less upset about their behavior than women who binge. Women feel shame in the act of bingeing, while men save their shameful feelings for the effect bingeing has on their bodies; males eat without shame, yet are embarrassed by the fat that results.

More on Business Intelligence

All organizations, whether business, government, charitable, or otherwise; have limited resources for performing their missions. Companies are forced to make do with what they have — all the time. You can’t put a Nobel laureate in every position, and you can’t pour unlimited dollars into an endless quest to make all your factories and offices more efficient.

The most precious resource is time. The marketplace is in constant motion, and companies must not only move correctly, they must move quickly. Otherwise competitors will fill any available vacuum in the market, resources will get used up, and your organization will inexorably wither away.

Businessintelligences entire raison d’ĂȘtre (that’s French for “shade of lipstick” — just kidding) is as an ally at those inflection points throughout the life of a business where a decision is required. Business intelligence is a flexible resource that can work at various organizational levels and various times — these, for example:

·         A sales manager is deliberating over which prospects the account executives should focus on in the final-quarter profitability push;

·         An automotive firm’s research-and-development team is deciding which features to include in next year’s sedan; and,

·         The fraud department is deciding on changes to customer loyalty programs that will root out fraud without sacrificing customer satisfaction.

The decisions can be strategic or tactical, grand or humble. But they represent two roads diverging in a yellow wood: Considered in the aggregate, the roads taken and those not taken represent the separation between successful and unsuccessful companies. Better decisions, with the help of business intelligence, can make all the difference.

On your children’s health-on going on a holiday

Ensure You’re Insured

Whether your child comes down with a dose of Delhi belly or needs emergency treatment for an accident, the last thing you want to worry about on holiday is medical costs. Taking out good medical insurance for your whole family is an absolute must, even in countries within the European Union (EU). Check that your insurance covers repatriation to fly you or your children home if medical treatment is needed.

All countries in the European Economic Area (the EU, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) have a reciprocal agreement with the UK for the provision of basic healthcare free of charge or for a minimal fee. To be eligible for this reciprocal healthcare, you need to travel with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), issued by the Department of Health. You can order an EHIC online at or by calling 0845-606-2030. Even if you have an EHIC, take out private medical insurance too, because the EHIC may not cover all your medical expenses abroad.

Your child under Sun

Take Care in the Sun

Everyone needs some sun exposure: The sun’s our primary trigger for vitamin D production, which helps us absorb calcium for strong, healthy bones. But most people get the vitamin D they need pretty quickly, and extended unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause heatstroke, sunburn, skin damage, eye damage, and cancer. The sun’s rays are particularly dangerous to young children.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays are the most damaging of the sun’s rays. UV rays react with a chemical called melanin in the skin. Melanin is our first defence against the sun, absorbing dangerous UV rays before they do serious damage to the body. Melanin is found in different concentrations according to skin colour:

The lighter your child’s natural skin pigment, the less melanin it contains. But both dark- and pale-skinned children need protection from UV rays because any tanning or burning causes skin damage. Unprotected sun exposure is even more dangerous for children with moles, very fair skin and hair, or a history of skin cancer. You should be especially careful about sun protection if your child has one or more of these high-risk characteristics.

Follow these tips to stay safe in the sun:

Keep your baby in the shade. This one isn't negotiable. Babies under the age of 6 months should be kept out of the sun altogether.

Avoid the midday sun. The strongest rays of the day are normally between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If your child is in the sun between these hours, keep him covered up in light-colored clothing and apply protective sunscreen to his skin.

Use a sunscreen at all times. The higher the sun protection factor (SPF) of the sunscreen, the better – use SPF 15 or higher. Avoid sunscreens containing PABA (para-amino-benzoic acid), because this can cause skin allergies. Apply the sunscreen generously to your child’s skin about 30 minutes before he goes outside, and then reapply every two to three hours and after swimming, even if the sunscreen is waterproof.

Protect the skin even on cloudy days. UV rays pass through clouds. Your child may be unaware that he’s burning on cooler or windy days, because the temperature or breeze keeps the skin feeling cool on the surface.

Don’t forget that light reflects. Remember those panda eyes you see on people just returned from skiing holidays? Light reflects, especially off bright surfaces like snow, and can do every bit as much damage as direct sunlight. Sunlight can reflect off water, sand, or even concrete, so if you’re on a sunshine holiday, keeping your little one out of the sun means well and truly out!

Cover up. Get your child to wear thick-woven clothes and use umbrellas or a beach tent on the beach. Make sure your child wears a hat – preferably with a flap to protect the back of the neck. Buy a stretchy sun suit for your kids with built-in high protection sun protection. Not only do they look cool (kids usually love them!) but they really work. Kids can wear them in and out of the water, as well, and they’re made to dry off quickly. Look for one with a high SPF (25 at least) and check the cleaning instructions to avoid ruining it before the holiday even starts!

Keep the water flowing. Dehydration in babies and young children is dangerous and can happen extremely quickly. Carry fluids with you at all times, and encourage your child to drink frequently. If you’re breastfeeding, your baby may need more frequent feeds to quench his thirst.

Look cool in sunglasses. Sun exposure damages the eyes as well as the skin. Just one day in the sun can result in a burned cornea (the outermost, clear membrane layer of the eye). Cumulative exposure can lead to cataracts later in life, which may result in blindness. The best way to protect your child’s eyes is for him to wear sunglasses. Not all sunglasses provide the same level of protection: Darkened plastic or glass lenses without special UV filters just trick the eyes into a false sense of safety. Purchase sunglasses with a label that confirms they provide 100 per cent UV protection.

If your child’s skin does get sunburned, bathe the affected area with cool water or cold compresses. Apply calamine lotion and give him infant paracetamol if necessary. If the skin is blistered, keep it dry and cover any burned areas, because they can easily become infected. Extensive sunburn in a child can lead to hypothermia, because your child may lose a lot of body heat – so seek medical advice immediately if sunburn is extensive.

On starting your own business

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas

You’re probably a first-time entrepreneur itching to go out on your own. You have some capital behind you, some business know-how, and the whole world out there to conquer. But what kind of enterprise should you venture into? That depends, of course, on your interests, skills, and prior experience. Let’s have a look at what’s to come and see what ideas it might ignite for you.

Dream Schemes

Who hasn’t dreamed of opening a bed-and-breakfast or creating a national fad?  Be one of the operators of a historic inn on Nantucket Island, or a man who thinks buses and cars are old-fashioned, or a man who knows how to express any emotion with flowers, and a man who wanted to re-create a childhood experience producing homemade ice cream.

Service Industry Careers

In today’s economy, service businesses are more and more the way to go. Offer to do something for other people or companies that they can’t do for themselves, and you’ll find scores of avenues to pursue. It’s a broad highway, covering everything from hair care, personal training, and tracing family histories to plant sitting and tree trimming.

Careers in the Limelight

If you’re comfortable performing in front of others, if public speaking comes naturally to you, and if you thrive on the response of a receptive audience, then there’s where you’ll find a few ideas to put you on the stage—so to speak.

Freelance Writing

Ah, the writer’s life—being your own boss, working at home, setting your own hours. From freelancer to novelist to literary agent, learn about the different writing fields you can enter and how to go about making a success of them.

Organizations and Cooperative Enterprises

Dreamers hope to find a club or organization to join that matches their interests; self-starters see the need and start their own. Learn on how a successful collective is started, how to form an association or organize a seminar business—all careers for highly organized individuals.

There are literally thousands and thousands of ideas for self-starter careers. Just look around you: every Wendy’s, every Kinko’s, every Sam’s Club or Costco, every boutique or bookstore was started by someone with a dream. Think back to hula hoops and the happy face. These, too, were started by dreamers who weren’t afraid to move on to self-starter status. Certainly there’s room for one more Rubik’s cube, one more published book, one more chocolate chip cookie stand. You too can join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs—all you have to do is stop dreaming and start moving.

November 13, 2013

Christmas for early Christianity

Christmas had to wait more than 300 years after the birth of Jesus before it began to be popularized in a meaningful way. Instead, the first Christians were focused on spreading the word about Christianity while avoiding official persecution, which began as early as A.D. 64 under the Roman emperor Nero. For the next two centuries and more, Christians endured prison and death at the hands of the Roman Empire, while Egyptian, Greek, and Persian gods continued to be worshiped freely.

In the first centuries A.D., the Roman Empire extended around the Mediterranean Sea, encompassing areas we now know as northern Africa (including Egypt), the Middle East (including present-day Israel, Jordan, and Syria), Europe (including France, England, Italy, and Greece), and the region where Europe borders Asia (Turkey).

Things began to change when Emperor Constantine, who came to power over the Roman Empire in 306, gradually converted to Christianity. As a result, Christianity became the state religion, and public funds were used to build churches. Constantine commissioned the building of the Church of the Nativity on a spot in Bethlehem that was believed to be the exact birthplace of Christ. By the end of the fourth century, the old forms of worship had been banned and Christianity began spreading.

Modern Teens

New Faces of Teens - How Life Has Changed and How It Has Not

Let’s say you live at the turn of the last century. You start to become attracted to another teen; something interests you about that person—their looks, smile, personality, something. You may not even know what attracts you—you just want to find out more about that person and you want that person to find out more about you. So what do you do? Do you ask them out to share a meal alone with you? Nope! Dating three generations ago was a very different thing than it is today.

In most societies, a young woman was never allowed to be outside alone, much less be with a boy without adult supervision. Getting to know someone is a very slow process that involved parents and chaperones, and there wasn’t very much private time. At that time, even in some parts of American society, fathers selected grooms for their daughters, and couples barely dated at all before they were married. Can you imagine getting married to someone with whom you never went out?

The past century has flown by. And now, as we enter the new century, dating without chaperones has become a standard of the teen scene. While the rules of the game have changed, some of the same questions, jitters, and worries that your great-grandparents certainly had remain today for every teen trying to play this game:

·         How do you ask this person out?
·         What if this person says “no”?
·         What do I do to get to know this person better?
·         How can I tell this person about myself?
·         Will this person like me?

Your great-grandparents didn’t quite think about dropping over to someone’s house to listen to CDs in their bedroom, but I guarantee you that they—as did your grandparents and your parents—had some of these same thoughts and concerns that you have today. We always see ourselves so differently from those who are older than us, and sometimes we can hardly imagine that our parents were ever teenagers. But, while members of each generation face distinct challenges growing up, they also share some of the same emotions and struggles as their ancestors did when they were the same age. I guarantee you that your parents had some butterflies in their stomachs before many of their dates!

Today’s Teen Scene

Take a look at your generation. Believe it or not, you’re part of a pretty powerful contingent (though it may not seem like it when you’re trying to borrow the car). You and your peers support a huge amount of business. As a group, you have money—and spend a lot of it on clothes, music, food, concert tickets, and books. What you want to see on TV and in the movies determines much of what goes on the screen!

There’s no doubt about it: You are a major force in this country and across the planet in terms of your numbers, economic power, and trend-setting. Industries to supply your wants and needs, agencies address your risks and concerns, and the media follow you around wherever you go. The youth in the modern world set the style for fellow teens around the world.

In fact, the teen scene begins earlier than the official thirteenth birthday. Younger pre-teen brothers and sisters in middle school (or junior high, as it is called in some places) are taking more and more of their cues from high school students.

And although sixth graders may not be dating the way their older counterparts are, it is right around the corner for some. In fact, many pre-teens are deep into relationships. A 12-year-old told me that he was “dating” and even “going steady”—but to him and his peers that only meant eating lunch at school every day with one special girl. For this “couple”—and for their social group—it was a date for all the same reasons older teens go on a date. They talked and got to know each other.

Look at how open life seems to be today! If you watch TV, use computers, read magazines, and go to movies, you can see the whole world. How about MTV alone? At the very least, you see a whole range of ways people interact with one another, as well as different images of dating and being together. The media gives you several examples of both the adult and teen world.

Conversation can be free-flowing as well. It seems like you can talk about anything at all—sex, drugs, money, religion—you name it. You are actually able to talk to friends and family about questions, experiences, and problems. Don’t be misled, however, into thinking that there are no limits. Teens are still considered minors and legally do not have the same freedoms and rights as adults have. We may live in an open society, but minors are minors and parents are still in control in many areas.

It is now, more than ever, to call and act for the teens. Not to sound very overly protected on their means but to serve purposely as mere guidance to their ever-growing needs and actuations as well.

Complementary medicine

Complementary medicine is an increasingly popular form of health care in the Western world. Millions of consultations take place every year, and according to some surveys, almost one in three people have tried it. People with chronic conditions, such as long-term pain, make use of complementary medicine particularly frequently.

Gradually, acceptance of complementary medicine is increasing in orthodox medical circles with more and more doctors training in, or referring patients for, complementary therapies or incorporating complementary practitioners into their practices. You can find complementary medicine in hospitals, specialist clinics, hospices, schools, beauty clinics, and gyms.

At the same time, people are becoming more discerning about the complementary therapies that they use and asking for proof of effectiveness and safety. Practitioners are increasingly well trained and many of their professional associations have been working hard to raise standards.

Aside its questioned effectiveness and safety, the underlying concern for these things are their cost. Is it cost-worthy? But it’s definitely up to you and how fast your body responds to these ways of treating yourself. To have a full grasp of the same gives you more options on the thing at stake: your health.

To name a few of these, let us take you to the land of the rising sun, Japan. It was there where the Japanese massage techniques (including shiatsu and anma) started.

Anma, shiatsu, and Western massage are the three most commonly practiced types of massage in Japanese medicine nowadays. These three massage approaches have all been licensed as forms of therapy by the Japanese government since 1955. Although they share some similarities, their underlying theories and practice and their common usage today are quite different:

Anma is used to treat general discomfort and to release tension or stress. This therapy is most commonly practiced amongst blind practitioners in Japan or amongst shiatsu practitioners in the West.

Shiatsu, based on meridian theory, is used for both diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of disorders. It has become a very successful and popular therapy in many Western countries. Shiatsu is also quite widely used for stress relief.

Western massage is most widely used in the treatment of muscular and skeletal problems, often in medical settings.


Anma is the oldest of the massage traditions, having reportedly been brought over from China more than 1,500 years ago. It was once part of the mainstream of Japanese medicine but fell out of favour as Western massage approaches became more popular. Anma then became almost exclusively the preserve of blind massage practitioners. (Massage has long been an accepted occupation amongst blind people in Japan.) These practitioners kept the therapy alive and it is now once again popular in Japan and taught to sighted practitioners as well.

Anma is quite a vigorous form of massage designed more for therapy than for relaxation or pleasure. It involves gripping techniques where tense muscles are held and then released to ease muscle tension and promote blood circulation.

Anma also involves direct stimulation of acupoints along the meridian channels using mainly the fingers, thumbs, knuckles, and sometimes the elbows. Pressure is applied quite firmly and deeply, and the treatment is carried out fully clothed with no oil being used.

Anma is ideal for treating tension-related ailments, muscular pain and stiffness, muscle strains, sports injuries, neck and shoulder problems, back problems, headaches, sinus problems, and so on.


The term shiatsu, literally ‘finger pressure’, is a therapy that Tokujiro Namikoshi developed in the early 1900, when he was just nine years old, using finger pressure massage to relieve his mother’s painful rheumatism.

Namikoshi’s shiatsu involves using the fingers, thumbs, and palms to apply pressure to the surfaces of the body in order to correct imbalances and promote health. Namikoshi believed that this type of therapy could stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Various other forms of shiatsu have been developed by other Japanese masters over the years. One of the most well known is Zen-shiatsu, developed by the great master practitioner, Shizuto Masunaga, which also employs the knees and elbows to apply firmer pressure and uses stretches to balance and realign the body.

Shiatsu can be performed through clothing or directly onto the skin. As shiatsu is a form of pressure therapy, oil isn’t used.

Western massage

Western massage was introduced to Japan by visiting European doctors in the early 1900s, and is based on Western anatomy and physiology. This massage involves vigorous kneading, grasping, and rubbing techniques designed to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and release muscle tension.

Most moves are directed from the extremities towards the heart in order to promote the return of circulating blood to the heart. Western massage is performed directly onto the skin and oil may be used.

Modern Dads

Being the father or the most; head of the family, is very challenging and does take a whole lot of responsibility. And with that ideal trait also comes ever having to make a bunch of sacrifices. Aside from being selfless, being a role model to everyone in or outside your home is not an easy task. It takes a lot of self determination and willingness on your end to be an ideal one. Although we men. Should admit that can’t be perfect at all times, we try so hard to be one amidst the real life temptations and the temporary luxury it brings.

Like mums out there, dads must draw or picture an imaginary line to serve as borders on actions. Responding to those initiative actions will depend on how far your line was crossed. Determining on should you allow your teen daughter to date or allowing a friend’s sleepover are some examples. In the workplace, are you giving that needed motivation to others at work? Are you good enough for recently given promotion? Or it is just simply an abuse of power or power tripping?

Let us not go and drift any farther; are you that an ideal husband to your wife and father to your kids? Do you take or willing to spare some intimate time with your wife? An “alone” time dinner, perhaps?  And how would you go out of your way for a bonding time with your children?

As time marches by, we see and sometimes, experience how the family transforms value-wise through the several complications being brought by external factors. Our minds and disposition are at times clouded by these complicated circumstances further alienating us from what is supposed to be. As the head and the moving influential force in what is considered to be the smallest unit of government, the family; a complete dominance over family matters is essential. Such also requires a sense of toughness in decision making.

Since the statistics have increasingly climbed up yearly regarding broken homes and families to almost anywhere, it is our hope that these complications and domestic issues will lessen. It is believed that a change in “fatherly” tactics alone would take care of it. The full support and cooperation from each member of the family is needed. It may be true that dads are considered the home’s foundation, but it will be all useless without its firm and strong mixture provided by members of the family.

So it is necessary for fathers to not just be security guards of your homes. To be an ideal dad, one must be tough and firm in making domestic decisions. One must exude the adorable partner to his wife and a respected friend to his children. In doing so, the path of being an ideal father and leader is not far from outmost realization.

DIY Phenomenon

Most of you maybe had a glimpse of your own dream house. For mums perhaps, a cosy living room or a tidy kitchen. For the dads out there, you might be having some endless nights thinking of that mini bar you just saw from a glossy magazine nearby. And to the kids, they too may have their ideal room that lingers in their active minds. But sad to say, those “I wish I had one” remains held up in our minds. If we are to consider the money, time and effort; those rooms, bars and kitchens will stay as pictures in the magazine.

Thanks to those smart minds in the industry for looking out such valuable issues regarding the improvement of homes. There is now guaranteed, cost effective and personalized solution to all those home improvement cravings – DIY (Do It Yourself).

DIY is almost a dream turned reality for homeowners. With this highly acclaimed and received factor, even contractors are jumping on the bandwagon. They either develop new means integrating it, or they use DIYs themselves in order to reach additional revenues. With these sudden increases in demand, more capitalist are gambling their investments in either introducing products, re-packaging the old ones and as far as lowering the cost of their services and/or products; all to be at par with the DIY sector.

Most of all, what benefits this DIY phenomenon are the end users themselves. It helps them more ways than one. Your home improvement, repair or remodelling gets a touch of being personalized. DIY kits, handbooks and manuals leave you or allow a sense of freedom for you to either change colour of the entire wall to complement the curtains or not. In doing so with DIYs, time won’t be a factor anymore since it’s all up to you when to finish a particular job. Doing other matters more pressing can be done in an instant. Most importantly, as we try hard to save and budget money; DIYs is way less costly rather hiring somebody or engaging the services of a contractor (not unless the work to be done is way beyond what you’re capable of). There is an available DIY for simple to complicated repairs, remodelling and improvement, from the roof up to the basement below. Additional home amenities such as shutters, curtains and drapers can also be found on a DIY kit or handbook.

DIY moreover, lets you expand your choices and limitations. A designer friend of mine once exemplified and told me that “ doesn't need to spend that much to change the theme and feel of their is stenciling, like now summer, basically summer is all about outdoors, and the colours...we can always bring the outdoors in through stenciling doors, walls, furniture, and others. There are lots of stencil books available for their reference in art stores [and] for the art supplies...all they need is 1% skill and 99% imagination...”

Another great advantage that this particular mean is we, as homeowners, unknowingly bond together as a family. Doing a DIY work together with another member or two of the family ties a stiffer bond. Unconsciously, it is through that suggestions and opinions are raised in a constructive way. Thus, lesser stress and friction on the matter. And the more domestic interaction is manifested; tight and deeper relations are formed within the DIY family. 

...some beauty tips

Allow us to pamper yourselves, as mums; and considered to be the “beauty queen[s]” of our lives, with a few of our beauty and skin tips. Time to sit back and let us do all the talking...

Anti aging skin basics. From our 30s onward, age starts to take its toll on our skin. Colour and texture become less vibrant, wrinkles and sagging start to occur, pores enlarge, capillaries break around the cheek and nose, and from our 40s age spots appear on the hands and cheeks, forehead, and upper lip, thanks to sun exposure, pregnancy, and the Pill. However, there is plenty we can do to help our skin maintain the glow of youth into our 40s, 50s, and beyond.

Take a deep breath. Promoting oxygen flow to the skin results in visibly better tone. Learn how to breathe deeply at yoga class. To maximize the effects, dine on antioxidant foods such as broccoli, spinach, plums, kale, and blackberries, which have a high oxygen radical absorbency capacity (ORAC).

Skin-saving vitamins. Build your diet around vitamin packed fruit and vegetables. Vitamins A, C, and E are strongly antioxidant and lack of vitamin A shows in flaking skin. Vitamin C is anti-inflammatory and so is essential for healing, skin cell regeneration, and plumping. It works best with the immune stimulating vitamin E, which encourages circulation to promote radiance. One study showed that when taken together vitamins C and E provide double the protection from UV rays and reduce the intensity of sunburn. When you check food labels vitamin C may also be listed as ascorbic acid or L-ascorbic acid, and vitamin E as alphatocopherol or tocopherol. Hydrate from within.

Dry skin makes wrinkles more obvious. The only natural relief from dry skin is ample hydration. Drink 4 pints (2 litres) of water daily to plump up skin, give hair gloss, flush out toxins, and help relieve headaches that can lead to frown lines.

Healing exercise. Older people who exercise regularly seem to have skin that heals more speedily when compared with the skin of sedentary people. Set yourself the target of 30 minutes of activity most days.

Moisturize while damp. Apply moisturizer and body oils to still damp skin immediately after showering or bathing. This seals in moisture and acts as a barrier to drying environmental conditions, such as wind and air conditioning.
Age-relate your beauty regime. Look for age-specific skin care products targeted at the skin and lifestyle demands of your own age group. The anti aging requirements of 30-something skin, for example, differ from those of postmenopausal skin. Natural beauty company Yin Yang recommends its pH-Amino 4 Cream for use after menopause—its plant protein and wheat germ oil formulation promotes skin healing and regeneration.

Necessary fats. Research suggests that people with prematurely aged skin are deficient in essential fats, which moisturize skin from the inside, reduce inflammation, and enhance mood.

Fill up on oily fish, such as mackerel and sardines, linseed (flaxseed), hemp and olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds. For maximum absorption, make nut, seed, and fruit oils the fats you choose for massage oils, body lotions, and intensive moisture treatments, too.

Distress your skin. Stress can bring on breakouts of pimples, a pallid complexion, puffy eyes, and etched-in frown lines. Nourish yourself with good food through stressful periods and by getting regular exercise. Try to incorporate a weekly yoga class into a busy schedule. If city pollutants stress your skin, build more protective antioxidant fruit and vegetables into your diet and use free-radical busting grapeseed oil and green tea on the skin.

Fibromyalgia causes

No one knows for sure what causes fibromyalgia, but physicians and other experts have many fascinating theories to explain what may induce the onset of Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS). The cause could be hormones or an autoimmune problem or biochemicals gone awry, chronic stress, or it may be related to a previous trauma, such as an injury that you incurred in a car crash or in another serious accident. Individuals who have been abused as children or adults are more likely to develop fibromyalgia than others.

The cause could also be a combination of different factors coming together at just the right time (or the wrong time when you think about it) for you to develop FMS. For example, maybe you got the flu, and then were involved in a serious accident. Or some other awful combination may have occurred.

As researchers (like me) continue to study this medical problem, they move closer to the truth. Speculating about causes can be fascinating, and some common theories for what causes fibromyalgia are continuously being formed.

Health Problems

Health problems are part of life. The fact is that everyone gets ill sometimes– though hopefully not too often – and when you develop a medical symptom you need to decide what to do about it. For example, you may choose to see your pharmacist, consult your doctor, go to the nearest Accident & Emergency (A&E) department – or, in the worst case, phone for an ambulance. You may even choose to do nothing at all.

So that you stay healthy and get the best available health advice and treatment when you fall ill, you need to be able to make sensible decisions about your health. Doing so can be tricky and occasionally a bit scary. Not surprisingly, you can feel out of your depth all too easily. Most people successfully make decisions about their healthcare just by using common sense, but instances do occur when you’re not quite sure what to do or your health problems develop gradually and you start to think about getting medical help.

These situations are where medical book and pamphlets can help. In the same way that you don’t have to be a professional mechanic or engineer to identify and deal with simple problems relating to your car or dishwasher, you don’t have to be a doctor to be able to recognize common or potentially serious health problems or to have the confidence to decide what to do about them. You do have to be a health professional, though, to deal with and treat a great many conditions, and so knowing when you can treat an illness yourself and when to seek medical advice is an essential skill.

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 20:27-38.

Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection, came forward and put this question to Jesus, saying, "Teacher, Moses wrote for us, 'If someone's brother dies leaving a wife but no child, his brother must take the wife and raise up descendants for his brother.'

Now there were seven brothers; the first married a woman but died childless. Then the second and the third married her, and likewise all the seven died childless.  Finally the woman also died.

Now at the resurrection whose wife will that woman be? For all seven had been married to her." Jesus said to them, "The children of this age marry and remarry; but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.

They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise. That the dead will rise even Moses made known in the passage about the bush, when he called 'Lord' the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.