July 11, 2012


As the chain of compacted rain falls outside my lone and creepy room, the noise it created allowed my mind to wander momentarily. I first checked that I’m not hallucinating or experiencing another seizure. It was more of a dream. I had those when I was medically sedated. Dreams and flashes of reality, of death, of going far away and those aren’t real and considered vaunts of delusion. I interpreted dreams with impossibility for that is the only helpless thing I know. Unknowingly, sanity nearly left me. Paranoia sat beside my bed trying to snatch a piece of my sane consciousness. But my mind strictly focused on my dream of getting back to where I was before. It still remains. I wish I could interpret my own dreams and instantly turn it to reality. For now, the wheelchair is my pal and you are the only witnesses on how willed, zealous and determined I am to fight for my dream.

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