Scheduling is best done on a regular basis, for
example at the start of every week or month. Go through the following steps in
preparing your schedule:
1. Start by identifying the time you want to make
available for your work. This will depend on the design of your job and on your
personal goals in life.
2. Next, block in the actions you absolutely must
take to do a good job. These will often be the things you are assessed against.
3. For example, if you manage people, then you must
make time available for dealing with issues that arise, coaching, and
supervision. Similarly, you must allow time to communicate with your boss and
key people around you. (While people may let you get away with 'neglecting
them' in the short-term, your best time management efforts will surely be
derailed if you do not set aside time for those who are important in your
4. Review your To Do List, and schedule in the
high-priority urgent activities, as well as the essential maintenance tasks
that cannot be delegated and cannot be avoided.
5. Next, block in appropriate contingency time. You
will learn how much of this you need by experience. Normally, the more
unpredictable your job, the more contingency time you need. The reality of many
people's work is of constant interruption: Studies show some managers getting
an average of as little as six minutes uninterrupted work done at a time.
6. Obviously, you cannot tell when interruptions
will occur. However, by leaving space in your schedule, you give yourself the
flexibility to rearrange your schedule to react effectively to issues as they
7. What you now have left is your
"discretionary time": the time available to deliver your priorities
and achieve your goals. Review your Prioritized To Do List and personal goals,
evaluate the time needed to achieve these actions, and schedule these in.
By the time you reach step 5, you may find that you
have little or no discretionary time available. If this is the case, then
revisit the assumptions you used in the first four steps. Question whether
things are absolutely necessary, whether they can be delegated, or whether they
can be done in an abbreviated way.
Remember that one of the most important ways people
learn to achieve success is by maximizing the 'leverage' they can achieve with
their time. They increase the amount of work they can manage by delegating work
to other people, spending money outsourcing key tasks, or using technology to
automate as much of their work as possible. This frees them up to achieve their
Also, use this as an opportunity to review your To
Do List and Personal Goals. Have you set goals that just aren't achievable with
the time you have available? Are you taking on too many additional duties? Or
are you treating things as being more important than they really are? If your
discretionary time is still limited, then you may need to renegotiate your
workload. With a well-thought through schedule as evidence, you may find this
surprisingly easy.